All products are things that I have bought and used myself, so they have been tried and tested!
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It sometimes feels like you never know what you're gonna get with a set of pinnies. These have been really good size and quality, and come in a variety of colors! Having a variety of pinnie colors opens up options for different types of touch games, such as being able to designate more than two teams or color coding defenders ["pink pinnies run to the sideline!"].
I'd venture a guess that I'm at least in the top 10 for worst calves and achilles in the US, so ankle support is very important to me. These are a newer purchase since my other ankle braces have fallen apart, so I've only had limited experience in them so far. They are THICC. I don't fully agree with the "lightweight" description [lol] but boy oh boy do they offer support. I'm also assuming they'll break in a little more after I spend more time in them.
Cones are another valuable thing to have in a variety of colors. The carrying stand and bag makes them so easy to transport so they're not flying around everywhere. This is also a bargain - 60 cones for 20 bucks!
I have bought this particular heating pad THREE TIMES! The real beaut of it is the weighted shoulders. Heat + a lil' pressure = heaven!
This was an awesome [and fun!] addition to practices. It's sturdy and strong, so it'll work for a variety of players. You can watch one of my teammates use it in this tiktok video!
I don't mess around with deodorants! I'm a SWEATY gal. This deodorant is affordable, effective, and compact so it's easy to carry around!