Wow...14 YEARS AGO I was writing about how dynamic rugby is and how much it changes.
I didn't even know the HALF of it, haha.
"The other day my friend who also lives and dies for rugby and is one of the most passionate players I've ever seen said to me, "I still have so much to learn," when we were casually talking one time about rugby. It was funny to hear this from a person that I have learned so much from, but what I realized is that everyone always has so much more to learn in rugby because there's no such thing as actually fully mastering the sport. There are so many things about rugby that are so dynamic and always changing that there is always room for improvement and change. No matter how good you are, how much experience you have, or how many tries you've scored, you're always a student to the sport of rugby. Everyone has their own individual playing style, and every time you play with or against someone new you learn something different. It never ends, and although it sounds grueling and like a tiring endless process, it's actually what makes rugby awesome. Rugby will always be just as exciting as the first time you stepped onto a pitch because of this fact. The phenomenon of rugby will never end or leave your life! It's such a wonderful feeling 😊"
As I've stepped into the realm of coaching, I've come to learn that the development of rugby strategy is both a beautiful thing and sometimes a pretty tough thing to keep up with. Rugby knowledge is moving SO fast that sometimes it feels like the only way to learn the most up to date things is through the exchange of knowledge and discussion. With that being said, if you have any rugby resources in particular that you really like, please hit me up!